Showing posts with label Calculating Probability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Calculating Probability. Show all posts

Thursday, July 22, 2010

calculating probability

Calculating Probability concepts and probability theorems is an interesting topic to debate with. The word Probability is something which we use on day today conversation.

In everyday life, we come across statements such as
(1) It will probably rain today.
(2) I doubt that he will pass the test.
(3) Most probably, Kavita will stand first in the annual examination.
(4) Chances are high that the prices of diesel will go up.
(5) There is a 50-50 chance of India winning a toss in today’s match. This will also help us on how to calculate probability

The words ‘probably’, ‘doubt’, ‘most probably’, ‘chances’, etc., used in the statements above involve an element of uncertainty. For example, in (1), ‘probably rain’ will mean it may rain or may not rain today. We are predicting rain today based on our past experience when it rained under similar conditions.