What is Fraction: -
A fraction is a number that is the portion or part of a whole. Key to understanding fractions is understanding how to represent part of the whole. Sometimes the whole will be a pizza, a measuring cup, a bar and it is important to understand what the part is each time the whole is different.
When starting with fractions, begin by focusing on 1/2 and the 1/4 before moving into equivalent fractions and using the 4 operations with fractions (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing)
Let me also show you one example on fractions problems on addition and subtraction.
Question -
Given we need to multiply the fractions and 70/5 and 30/5
Fractions can be multiplied using this formula a.c/b.d
Here a = 70, b = 5, c= 30, d= 5.
= a.c/b.d
= 70.30/5.5 by solving it we get
= 2100/25
It can be reduced further as
= 84
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